Infinite possibilities of leading happiest life

  • Hi there.                                                                                                                                   I am going to share you my views on infinite possibilities of leading happiest life.majority of peoples are experiencing worst situations in their life. They might not get good jobs they want , some may don't have faith on their relations which they loved which might resulted in breakups, some student may didn't get there desired coarse, some peoples which compare themselves with other successful peoples who are working in their desired dream job or  jealous about the relationships of successful peoples with their loved ones and their social posting on Instagram, Facebook, some people's think negative that they can't able to achieve what they want, even some people think that they are not able to do anything, and other peoples who failed in their life are thinking of suicide. If I go on listing this listing has no end it will goes on like infinite.but instead I want to share my views on infinite possibilities of leading happiest life.                                                                                                                                                   1. Be hopeful for bright future-don't worry about the past failures ,your inabilities,your lack of dedication. Just think like you born as new baby at present start to learn alphabets of the things which make happy life.list out things which you need to learn  accomplish and make plans to do it properly.                                                                     2. Take some positive words and tell yourself daily basis, and you should have an effort to imagine those words, visualise those words about yourself,and feel yourself that you are walking on the path to achieve that visualisation or picture you created in your mind or words which you said to yourself that you becoming a successful person or you are getting a good job or whatever just feel like  you are on the track .                                                                                   3. List out persons, food, smell , places you  love most and books  , telivision shows, you tube channes, you love to watch,  music you love to hear and make sometimes to engage in these activities .                                                                                              4. Make at least sometimes to learn new things ,new skills you don't have before  ,if you find the joy in doing this things keep continuing those learnings but not stick to those only and keep on trying new things and you may find new joyful things  .                                                                         5. Make new friends, let to go irritating peoples ,listen t   o new songs, new music which you never heard before ,which maybe  becoming your favourite ones,generally a person interest and liking goes on changing from time to time so keep on doing new things , by doing these things you are preparing a happiest life by avoiding the songs you are emotionally attached and you are continuously listening those and you feel bad by remembering past. That's the only reason I emphasize on doing new things and        making new friends  .                                                                                                                             6.make time for reading books or watching interviews of great personalities in field of science , entertainment,sports,business whatever you feel. This things gives you inspiration and new ideas for achieving your goal by seeing their struggles and their strategies to overcome personal disabilities like thinking negative and other things.                                                                         7. Taking care of yourself and loving yourself is the most important thing, so many peoples don't know how to love ourselves according to me loving ourself is to taking care our health and doing things which we love.                                                                                               8. Gratitude-gratitude is the greatest thing to bring infinite possibilities of leading happiest life, make a list of things you are grateful for,even small small things ,Some peoples of your age don't have those but you have those things thoese maybe economic strength or physical strength, even food ,shelter you have, be grateful for those things because even some peoples on road don't have these things.grateful for friends which can make time to share your feelings and you strruggles but don't take people for gra  nted    .                                                                                                               9. Meaning of work you are doing-list out  how your work helping to others those may be to serving your family or your institution or anything for that matter and find out yourself answer for what are the skills which you have to do for doing that work efficiently, and make an effort to improve your skills for that work.                                                                               10.Maturity-maturity is yet another window to open infinite possibilities of leading happiest life because maturity is not come with age it comes with experiences those experiences are pleasant ones or unpleasant ones you experienced till now and make an effort to avoid repeating old unpleasant experiences and make an effort to to continue experiencing new things in future .                                                                                               11. Making new mistakes-mistakes are the stepping stones for learning new things, because no man can learn without mistakes,that's why  don't hesitate to make mistakes and keep doing new mistakes everyday and keep learning new things and apply to your work or in your life.                                                                                 12.Honouring your struggles-many peoples quit their goals in the middle of the way for reasons like  worst situation, unavoidable worst things which happened during your work for achieving something you want. Struggles are your milestone for a success so keep honouring your struggles for to be a successful person.                                                                                              13. Avoid comfort zone-whatever the best things you want to experience is outside of your comfort zone so don't ever comfort with small things around you rather come out of it explore the possibilities of leading exuberant life.                                                                           These are some of the things whichleads to the infinite possibilities of leading happiest life and still there are many windows to lead happiest life in all possible ways, there is no limit for leading happiest life. My wishes to all of the readers may  to you be aG yourself or boss to yourself.Good luck.....


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