Take care
Hi to all who are started reading this article . It's common thing that we say take care to the people who we love, who we want them in our lives. Even we say take care to the people who we don't want in our life is just because we can't expect anything from them except they shouldn't disturb us in any means. what's care? care is the only mental thing applied to living beings because non- living things don't care.care is a quality of every living being from which it gains meaning for living. if the quality of care not there then no creature gives birth to another creature, no person talks, enjoys in the company of other person. The main purpose of caring other is to seeing them alive, seeing them peaceful, making them peaceful in tough times. so that one can't be alone, one can't be suffer from lack of friendship, lack of personal trust /belief. Because belief is another thing that we are alive. the only thing which keeps us breathing is belief t...