Thanks to The Lord Jesus

 Hi Dear one's

Today at this moment i take time to recall the Good things which happened in my life this past year 2024 and also i would like to share how i overcame challenges and difficulties of this year.

I start with a very recent one ,I am a researcher working on a project assigned by my boss and along with my own ideas. i was not getting any progress in my work, my boss is not happy with me and have give feedback that i am wasting my time and i am slow worker.

my problem in that project is that i am not very sure that i  will get desired results with inputs given by boss, i was just working mechanically without analyzing the details of that project ,i was not getting proper time to study about the topic and its problems and its reported one sentence i can say i do not have very proper understanding of the exact theory behind the project and possible solutions for that, i was stuck there and i lost my hopes in life and i do not know what i do with my life.

Whatever minor positive outcomes came out of project for that also i was not have proper data which made by boss to get angry on me ,yes, i paid for that job i suppose to deliver the outcome of project. this has happed might be because of my own ignorance ,lack of accountability and lack of self discipline and laziness.

I was praying God ,oh god how can i deliver work in my hand  show me the next day itself God has showed me way ,he started showing data for each minor results i had in my project.

All these grace of God makes what was my situation of worst immediately it looks like nothing, all those worries of hopelessness ,devil's sayings that i am insincere ,worst man, indiscipline man just vanished. Our God is a miraculous God that he can in a  moment dissolves out our greatest of worries, pains and problems but we ought to pray to him, we ought to bring it to God.

Still little shades of darkness such as selfish behaviors, hiding of my faults/mistakes, Gossiping about others troubles me in many cases but our God showing me my faults and he warns me to not do that and he is keeping me in fear for those sinful things. I am really thankful to God for giving this conscience to a sinner like me.

I am 100% sure that i will in danger if i am counselled by worldly people because their counsels are of this world but i am damn sure that i am safe and secure in the Hands of Jesus .he knows what i need, he knows when to give that and i too know my place of rest and joy is not in this world but it is where our Lord Jesus living, the place of pure love and there only love exist nothing else other than love.

i thank God for giving me this understanding that i am safe and secure in his this world Devil is trying best to pull me to sin and nourish sinfulness in me but whatever hardship i face now onwards, whatever setbacks i face, whatever failure i face ,whatever helplessness ,hopelessness i face in this earth i will not be discouraged because my comforter is Lord Jesus ,I trust on him that he will give me peace and i wanted to dedicate my life for serving him, following him and wanted to be living with him, walk with him. 

For me serving Lord Jesus means following his instructions that is

 Mark 12:30-31:Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

I pray Lord God almighty may give the same understanding to all of us ,may we desire to follow his footsteps and desire to be with him and have the peace which he has ,he is the prince of peace. I pray this in the name of Our  Lord Jesus. Amen.

and also pray for me that i keep on writing this kind of blogs .

thank you you all again....


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