The teacher who changed my life

Hi madam,.                                                     This as an appreciation letter for you and your greatest work being a teacher you inspired ,you given not only bookish knowledge but lessons for life.                                                                             My journey as a student started when you joined the MCS boys primary school Kalakeri, (Gadag)when am in 6th standard .at that time only you are posted/appointed to work as teacher  .                                                                              I like to share you something how you inspired and changed my life,why I am grateful for you.                                             I was not at all a bright student in my class,my previous teachers didn't recognised, appreciated, encouraged me to learn, they didn't cared me in anyway in the sense that they didn't recognise my little efforts for learning, they didn't recognise that atleast I learnt 10 ./. Of what they taught to me .it's my situation before you joined to this school.                                                                                                                                      All good things started happening when you joined my school when I am a 6th class student. I like to tell how much enthusiastic you are in the class  .                                                                                      You always taken care of all the students,is it all learnt my lesson or not, you personally evaluated all students,while your evaluation may be you pointed out me as good student in the sense of my answer to your questions regarding what you taught in class, You appreciated that I am learning well in class and you given my example to all my classmates in a positive way.knowingly or unknowingly  my learning,my effort to learn and my desire to be good student in class started rising from there,I started reading daily,and I am first person to answer majority of your questions regarding what you taught in class .                                                               You started parents meeting so that students can taken care  by family also,you given our report card to all the parents of my classmates,I am happy to say you are the first person to do that,no one did that before, that was really the great move by you, thereafter students learning capabilities increased.                                                       And your speciality as a best teacher not ended there,you always teach us not only bookish knowledge but you taught us drama, music, painting,clay model,even you are not master in those you made effort and teach those,you not only taught those you recognised a singer, speaker,artist, budding scientist, what not madom,you are a true gem of our life,me and my all classmates are still remember you and we always remember those days .we all love madom.we are thankful for you to recognise our abilities and inspired us for lifetime   .                                                                                                                          Thnks a lot and love you madam       


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