Power of Compassion

Hi,there. We all know what is compassion,we say god is compassionate,we say some of greatest peoples like Buddha,Mother Theresa,etc..and also we see some of peoles in our society are compassionate.I will now discuss something about compassion.let us see. (1)Compassion is the only powerful power which is keeping entire universe from atom to stars.we are all living becaise of kindness of our loved ones,we are nothing without compassion. (2)Compassion starts when a life develops from embryo state where a mother provides everything that is needed for a life to came to existance.As a life came to existance it starts exploring surroundings where other peoples show mercy to it,as it grow it finds partner and with partner also it takes power of compassion.when it struggling for so many day to day problems compassion comes in unexpected way through friends,through kind hearted persons,through god himself. (3)If anyone wants to be unaffected by pain,hurt,disaster,Disgust,he must leave his hopelessness,frustrations,Anger and he must believe in compassion.one must believe everything happen for betterment,one must be compassionate for his own misfortunes or heartaches. (4)If anyone believe in money and possibilities which money can do then you must be far away from truth because one can not control or stop the pain of loved ones death from money,one can not stops the painful situations arrised due to our own past faults(karma) from money.but one can attain peace if he is developed compassion for himself and others. (5)Practically compassion means believing that there is power which is supreme and it is noticing and planning for better for all,and also knowing that whatever we are facing is a test given by that supreme and for this one must sure about his purpose and action.and one must have purpose and action which are intended to take care the loved ones who cared you and caring and intent should be to fight for others right and truth. (6)One who believes god resides in his own heart then he can be compassionate. (7)Compassionate peoples are those who forgive all,who has tremendous gratitude for everything


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