Power of Jesus words changing my life

 1. If a cancer patient is visiting church for purpose of curing her cancer Why not me go for church to say thanks to the god who not given me cancer.
 2. If you have truth with yourself, almighty will answer your prayer.
 3. Our past karma will have affect us but following his words makes us pure and let us in the path of heaven (peace, bliss)
 4. If a yoga can contribute in wellness of human being then sitting on knees accepting our sins and asking for forgiveness of lord will gives us peace
 5. If you read and follow Bible nothing will bothers you more.
 6. Our souls wants to unite us with others, union is foremost purpose of gods will. Union of body/souls who reads and follows bible. Union with god’s creation is greatest bliss/peace. Nothing is as pleasant as hugging the one who follows bible, no food, no drinks, no person, nothing will makes us ecstatic,flowing,dancing,puts us in trance state except the musical appreciation of Jesus/ ram 

 My Experience
 It is always our mental conditions gives us decease not that external virus/bacteria causing us pain or desease.mental conditions are far dangerous than any virus which attack our body. There is always a chance and possibility for every person to walk in the path of purity /Divinity/Bliss When you surrender to god for your all mistakes /sins, when you appraise the glories of lord by singing then you will start dance in a trance When you are in midst of believers of lord then all become your friends, all will gives you smile, handshake and hugs When you have little of truth in your heart then god will gives you true victory and happiness.
God’s blessings and protection
 I was in very doubtful, confused state when I was not able to take firm decision on my relationship I went to Calvary, I decided there to tell everything to their parents and I succeeded in it, After couple of month I again went to her home and said she is not supporting /not stick with her words as she can allow me to work in Bangalore, now she is not ready with that, talks happened, words exchanged and lord had experienced me the the fact that the  wellness of both families matters lot rather than the desires or wellness of only two of us. God was there with me in all the difficulties .Today if at all I got any truths of nature of relations, it is all because of his direction for me .

 My transformation
 I got 100*4 rupees notes on terrace in bhavaninagar. When I kept them in packet they  made me feel like heavy and uncomfortable, what I can do with others money? Why I should keep them with me, why I should I have desire to take those with me, Is if you got a crore of others money what you will do with them? God has let me understand that even a penny of others money is poisonous. Even if I am in worst situation when I need money if god or myself not able to afford it, if I going to lose my family or my friends for that purpose then I cannot say god is cruel. God lets me to gain knowledge after losing someone that they might have lost physically but their love is present around us .god also take someone who we loved away from us just because of greater purpose of life. If I am able to serve or save thousands of people, if I am able to make my country proud. Then sure, its god plan for me to go ahead/move forward in life without living life with only one person even when you loved that person lot.


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