Why people are getting what they want?

Hi guys
Before answering the question  let me tell one scenario.

if you have 1 crore rupees to whom you give it to?
answer-to whom you believe/trust-so that they can give you back.

What you think the person who took 1 crore from you use it for good purpose or bad purpose!

yes, there is possibility that your money is using for purchasing unnecessary things such as car, mobile, big home, or for travelling world or for drinks or drugs.
so all kind of possibilities are there,

so from this you got to understand the person you given money is trustable or not ,and also got to understand how is make utilizing money.

god has given us this valuable life and how we are utilizing this for buying unnecessary things(addiction, disappointments, negative self talk, speaking lies, making harm to somebody, and spending energy and times on things which are really not matters for our peaceful life. Life do not needs lots of things for sensual indulgence, it do not need lot of money or fame. life only needs satisfaction in what you do and what you think

that is  why greatest people mostly know clearly that what they want in their life and they invest their time and energy in it ,of course it is a currency of god given to us from god that we can purchase job or relationship or whatever we want so instead of knowing what really matters for us we are busy in buying unnecessary things and most often we finish our money(age) by buying lot of unnecessary things and die one day .

for me unnecessary things are in nature that you not able to understand usage of particular thing and its need. some things serves us for short and some will serves us for long.

long serving things are learning skills required for job- worthwhile to use time for this.
short serving and instant pleasure-sensual indulgence, meaningless entertainment, day dreaming, addiction

everybody knows this secret but all do same mistake by forgetting long serving things and sticking to instant serving things.

i think after reading all this you got to understand answer for heading question
thank yiu


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