God given job-Priest

 Hi to all

May this blog remembers you the importance of a god given job.

let us start, we all wanted to do a job after finishing some degree or even without any degree, one should have a some job to sustain his or her life.so everyone on earth doing something in their life.it is not always every job brings glory to almighty or it is not always one who do his duty by surrendering his her job to almighty. Some god loving people remember god in all their works and they are always connected with god.

so now i wanted to discuss about the job of a priest .We always think what a priest  doing? We think that he may not able to support his family, may not able to earn lots of money(except some rich priest).they just preaching scriptures, singing and praying all the time of their daily time. We think who will pay them salary? We do not know how much money they are getting for their job.(A mother job for taking care of her entire  family also a great job but how much she is earning? But she is doing it for love on her family).but still they are doing their job by relying on almighty's wisdom and completely trust almighty for their present and future, they believe that god gave them that job to preach his words and they believe that he has some plan and purpose for their life.

A true priest love everybody irrespective poor, rich, righteous  or unrighteous. He prays for all people well being .his utmost priority is that one should not live unclean life or sinful life. They cry for others pain and suffering. They thinks that all are sons or daughter of almighty so they should live a clean life. They clean us from all painful things of life.

loving and caring for all and living together with all as a single family, working together for good of all in the boundary of almighty.

How much precious is the job of a priest?(singing, praying, praising ,preaching, experiencing almighty's love, pleading and crying for others sorrows, sinning life)

Yes, No psychologist, therapist, doctor can make us strong when we are in midst of many challenges, sorrow, pain and sickness and mental weakness, suicidal).

A praying priest can touch us through wisdom of god and make a way for peace. The job is selfless. We can not put value to it because it is a god given job, god inspired job where a priest working loyally under a great boss called god and the his family will run by god himself.so,

who cries for others?

who who prays for others well being and strength?

i never saw a ever praying person?

i rarely saw a person treat others as themselves.

i never saw a person remember and praise almighty in all times?

so, for all these answer will be the holy priest.

and also there  is  nobody in gods eyes can become a boss by doing a god given job so even a priest is a servant of a god but no one priest should hold authority of righteousness but god himself is above all. He is the job giver and the priest is employee.so priest is the god given job!


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