My transformation of life through God and his only son Jesus and the Holy spirit

 Praise God

Hi Brothers and sisters, I hope all are doing well with gods grace .

I heartly appreciate your time for reading this blog at this moment. I would like to share my life transforming experience when I started listening to gods words and started keeping little steps of faith i got to see wonderful  changes in me. Thanks to gods love and mercy on me.

In my past before in touch with bible ,gods words, Jesus life teaching and the holy spirit who is living in god loving people around me(Church congregation) .My life is all of hopelessness, frustration, indiscipline, laziness, lust of flesh. I used to behave egoistically with most of people and there is very less time that i shown humbleness. There is not much significant gratitude in me for all the things that god had given me .It was not at all possible for me to interact with people who loves god ,who follows gods words of righteousness. i used to get frustration for unsatisfactory work and to come out that frustration i addicted to bodily indulgence. I am not at all aware that my body is temple of god. My tongue always using bad words ,my eyes were most of the time watching dirty things, and my ears were most of the time listening wrecked sounds. I lived a life of little gratitude, zero fear of god, selfish life. It was very least times that i consider others wellbeing.

Now after a year of Bible reading, Church, Jesus, God, Holy spirit through most of god fearing, god loving ,praying ,kind hearted people around me. I do not know what good deed i did to anybody or not. god is so merciful on me that he gives this companionship. what a significant changes happened to me through all these. I started to pray when i wake up and started to pray before sleeping also. This was was so new experience to me and i really believe that ever present living and speaking god is listening me through lord Jesus. I started to say thanks to all the things that god is giving me every day starting from good sleep, water for bath, food and water for nourishment and job to do. and each and every situation and people who helping me in all my steps. I waited a little bit of time to eat after others also served ,i started to share food and others things also but this was not at all my attitude in past .i was so selfish never used to wait for others ,never ever thought of others hunger but only concerned about my own hunger. what a significant transformation has happened in all this year .I started to think about wellbeing of all birds and animals around me in hot summer days. Its  least that i thought about these things in past. i started to rebuke evil spirits of ego, lust ,addiction through Mighty and holy name of Jesus but in past i was never able to know myself better that i used to think that my attitude, behavior and habits never ever going to change and i never know the way to clean myself away from all this evil spirits inside me. i never know that that god has made me his own form in past but through my sinful activities i invited many evil spirits inside me and those evil spirits started to take my own authority and i started to feel that i am like this and nobody can clean me and change me wrecked to life to a clean life of following lord Jesus Christ the savior who died for my own sin and who is the one who is making me clean for me to allowed in the kingdom of god.

Yes my dear readers ,dear brothers and sisters, i am changing for better, for the kingdom of god, for glorifying god,

I hope this blog may help you to follow lord Jesus and also i hope your life also transformed through divine intervention. and also Pray for me that i may keep on writing and praising the merciful lord savior Jesus. 



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